Broadside: Cover Up by Kyle Carrero Lopez
Ed. 100 (signed)
13” x 8.5”
Designed and printed by Rhonda Khalifeh at Center for Book Arts in honor of the poet’s reading on November 11, 2021.The text was handset in Verona, Goudy Oldstyle, and Lightline Gothic. Letterpress printed on Astrobrights paper.
Ed. 100 (signed)
13” x 8.5”
Designed and printed by Rhonda Khalifeh at Center for Book Arts in honor of the poet’s reading on November 11, 2021.The text was handset in Verona, Goudy Oldstyle, and Lightline Gothic. Letterpress printed on Astrobrights paper.
Ed. 100 (signed)
13” x 8.5”
Designed and printed by Rhonda Khalifeh at Center for Book Arts in honor of the poet’s reading on November 11, 2021.The text was handset in Verona, Goudy Oldstyle, and Lightline Gothic. Letterpress printed on Astrobrights paper.